
Deeper Purpose

Meditations for Manifesting

The Japa or AH Meditation


I was introduced to this technique through the work of the late Wayne Dyer, who himself had received it from his teacher.  Sounds have power. At the subtle energy level, energy vibrates at certain frequencies which resonate with and correspond to the various energy centers of our subtle energy body, the chakra and meridian systems. 


We humans co-create our reality through two subtle energy centers—at the groin, our sex center—and through the “third-eye” chakra.  At the physical level, we create new life through the sex center. The release of the human orgasm itself is often accompanied with an “ah” expression of release of the life force.  But the directed, co-creative power of manifestation that occurs when one simultaneously focuses on the third eye (ajna) chakra AND the sex center, finding the resonant harmonic between the two centers moving along the entire spinal column, makes it particularly powerful.

The sound AH is the sound of creation.  It is also the name of the creator handed down for millennia across traditions.  ‘God”, “Krishna”, “Buddha”, “Jehovah”, “Jesus”—all contain the sound of “AH”. Whether you are agnostic, atheist, religious or “spiritual but not religious”, energetically you can feel yourself plugged into a source of incredible power and agency through this practice.  By focusing your imagination, your heart intelligence, and your source of will you plant the seeds of creation into the world and imbue it with power.


What I appreciate about this meditation is that it requires no belief in the supernatural.  Suspend any lingering disbelief and approach this practice with an open mind and allow yourself to “feel” your way into it. Assume a comfortable but alert meditative pose (i.e., full-lotus, half-lotus or cross-legged position.)

Take in a full breath, and form the sound “AH”on exhale.  Say it as a mantra that demands full focus.  As you make the “AH” sound, see if you can feel the vibration of the sound up and down your spine, connecting your second chakra,  at the sacral level (Svadhisthana) and the third eye chakra (Ajna), the space between your eyebrows.

As you are repeating this sound, put your energy and attention on to what you want to create in your life.

While you are repeating this sound, focus on the “feeling” of having already manifested whatever it is that you are focused on.

Continue this process for about 20 minutes, or for however long is possible.  Even 5 minutes can be a powerful refresh. When you are finished with the process, “surrender the fruits of your labor”.  Wait for results with faith, in a state of “relaxed optimism.”
