
Deeper Purpose

Body Scan


Body scan is a form of visualization and systematic muscle relaxation. This practice can be used in conjunction with others to relax the body/mind in advance.


This practice emphasizes the mind-body connection explicitly. This is a kind of calisthenics for your mind to move from a detailed focus–say your left knee–to a more spacious focus –the entire body–training the muscle of your attention along the way.  It also reaffirms the mind’s control over the body.


Move your awareness to your toes. Feel your toes. Flex them and then release them.  On release, appreciate your toes. Touch into gratitude for the job they do for you.

Work your way up your body: from your calves, knees, thighs, hips, stomach, chest, arms, shoulders, fingers, neck, face and head. 

Where possible, bring awareness, then tension to each body part, then release the tension.  On release, appreciate that part. Consider however imperfect your body may be, remember how it shows up faithfully, ready to do your bidding. 


Jon Kabat-Zinn, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction